29 December 2010

I Hope We Get Clobbered By This Storm

I my goodness. I hope all of this moisture and cold air slams NM! I want our winter weather. It's been so unseasonably warm. I heard on the radio that this December has been the warmest on record. I really hope January is cooler! I'm also looking forward to hitting Sandia and maybe Santa Fe Ski Basin a few times.

Here's a screen shot of the moisture I hope we get!

18 December 2010

NM Weather

I am so excited about this weekend! First thing, the weather has been
magnificent! It rained all day yesterday and all night. Meanwhile, as
the crow flies seven miles to the east we received 21 inches of snow!
It's been cloudy and frosty all day. We needed this moisture badly.
Tomorrow is the New Mexico Bowl on ESPN. I really hope that they show
the snow covered mountain on tv.

Sent from my iPod

15 December 2010

Driving In Portland, OR

Driving in Portland was really fun. I especially liked driving though this section of freeway where there are a bunch of bridges in a row. I hope to drive on this freeway again soon!

13 December 2010

I Wish I Was In Space

It's the end of the day and I'm still thinking about stats and such. Weather and sizes of cites and stars. I'm dreaming now. I wish I could listen to Oh Darling by the Beatles while floating in space while and looking at the earth. I would be in some sort of space craft, of course. That would be nice.

The other night I was dreaming (while awake) that there was a bridge that spanned the Atlantic Ocean from the USA east coast to France's west coast. I was thinking about how the material used in constructing this bridge would have to be some type of super material. I was also thinking about how there would be little bridge towns along the way. There would be fueling stations and restaurants and hotels. I dream about this bridge while I lay in bed. I also dreamed (while awake) about a bridge that would go over the Rocky Mountains (the Rockies in New Mexico). This bridge would go right over Truchas Peak. I think that drive would be pretty nasty in the winter. I'm guessing there would have to be oxygen stations too. Ya know, folks who aren't used to 14,000 feet could get altitude sickness. I don't actually think these things could be accomplished...but it would be sweet if they were. 

Here are some random screen shots of what I look at during my free time. 

I'll Bing It

Last night I was watching The Great American Race, or The American Amazing Race. I can't remember if that's what it was called. Anyway, there were three teams and they were riding in cabs in Los Angeles looking for clues to finish the race. All three teams were panicking, looking for a computer screaming, "Google this!", or Google, that!". To Google something means to do an internet search using Google.com. I feel like Google has made it look like their search is the only reliable search engine. I used to feel that way. I wouldn't bother searching with Yahoo, or MSN, or Alta Vista. I used Google. I've always been one to like things that were not in popular culture, and dislike things that are in popular culture. There is probably no good reason for me to do this. But I think this way anyway. So, I think I'm done with Google for the most part. I still love Picasa, and Chrome. Searching for things on the internet I'll go to Bing though. The Bing app on my iPod is great! Maps on Bing for iPod are so much better than the default map app. The thing I hated the most about the map app that the iPod came with is the fact that I couldn't rotate my map. 

11 December 2010

Maps Are Fun!

It looks like maps.google.com has manned up...sort of. When you zoom in on satellite view, things are a bit more clear. Microsoft still has a crisper looking picture on the really zoomed in maps. Google still has the street view that is amazing. I checked out the street view of the Sandia Peak road and it's quite awesome. I wish it would snow soon! I hate this warm weather!

I Wish My iPod Could Take Photos

I wish my iPod could take photos. I guess I could just get an iPhone. If that was the case then I would have to pay a monthly amount of about $78. That's not worth it to me. An economist would say, "this amount is more than he is willing to pay". Willingness to accept and willingness to pay--those were fun chapters. So I'm happy with my little device at the moment. I'm in a Starbucks now. The reason I wish I had a camera on this device is so I could take a photo of all of the interesting looking people in here. I feel like the crowd here was casted for a breaking bad show or something.

There's something about being at a Starbucks this time of year that makes me feel more festive. Two years ago we (Lindsey and I) went to the Starbucks on the Plaza in Santa Fe with Erin, Jessica and Ryan. I think there's still a few photos floating around Facebook of that Starbucks visit. I loved that night. We rode the Rail Runner to Santa Fe. It wasn't very cold in Albuquerque but it was bitter cold in Santa Fe. I think it was about 12°F. I remember walking from the train station and walking into the Starbucks and just enjoying my girlfriend's (at the time) company. Last year I was actually working at the Starbucks in downtown Columbia. That was a blast! I didn't like it at the time, but now I realize that I really enjoyed being the only person awake in downtown Columbia at 4:30 am. It was below zero at times and I could see the bright Mizzou dome. It was an experience I'll never forget. Our time in Missouri is an experience I'll never forget. I loved walking around the MU campus. I loved driving from Moberly to Columbia every day. I lived Gumby's Pizza. I loved the Tin Can. The diverse crowd that came into my Starbucks was great too. I kinda miss Missouri sometimes. Albuquerque is great. I'm still restless though. I think Portland is going to be in my mind for a destination within five years. I feel like I would know Lindsey better if I knew more about where she's from. We've done NM, OR should be next.

Christmas blend isn't bad this year! What a wonderful Saturday.

Here's what I am currently listening to.

10 December 2010


This is terrible! I hate seeing that it's going to be warm and dry. I guess I should move away from New Mexico then. I don't feel so bad though. Denver is going to be warmer than us here in Albuquerque. 

08 December 2010


Went for another run.. It's kinda sad that the sun is down by 5pm. It's now 5:38 pm and it's almost completely dark.

I think I did q bit better this run than I did the last run. I accidentally cleared my time, but I know it was 18 minutes, something. My pulse was 180ish bpm. I ran from Truman and Marquette to Carlisle and Marquette. I know it's not that cold, maybe 50F, but I felt the cold air in my lungs. It was nice. So, that's all. Relient K is what I was listening to. I love those guys!

Sent from my iPod

07 December 2010


Check out Madrid's roads! They just go every which way. It kind of makes me think that the Spanish don't know anything about building roads. The roads in Madrid remind me a bit of the roads in Santa Fe, USA.


This is the strangest thing... I'm getting an insane amount of hits from Sweden. It makes me glad that people are finding my blog somehow. I think it might be a mistake. I wonder if these folks from Sweden are actually reading what I have to say? It's been a really strange day all together anyway. The weather isn't right. Everywhere in the country is experiencing wet, cold weather. Even Florida has cold weather today. Us in New Mexico, we have warm weather. I didn't even wear a coat this morning. 

I want to get excited about snowboarding too. It's really hard for me to get excited about it though. I feel like the snow would be crappy... I'm also worried about the money part. Snowboarding is expensive. I never worried about this before. We're tentatively planning a trip to Durango on the 17th. Just wanted to check out some stats of the mountain. According to their website the summit is 10,822 ft above sea level. I thought it was higher than that. They receive 260 inches of snow each year. That's a good amount, but look at it compared to Wolf Creek's 465! Wolf Creek is great, but if you're looking at spending more time in the town, then I would prefer Durango to Pagosa Springs. So I'm excited that this might happen! I just need to get my board and my boots back from my brothers. I gave them away last winter because I thought I would be in Missouri for longer. I hope they'll give them back. 

I'd also like to check out Taos sometime in my life too. I've been there once a long time ago. I was forced to rent some skis. I was terrible on the skis. I remember thinking that Taos wouldn't make sense on a snowboard anyway. There were those stupid moguls everywhere. I hate moguls. Lift tickets are $70 at Taos! Lame. Angelfire would be great to check out this winter too. They have always had a great terrain park. Although, I think I'd probably injure myself on the terrain park now if I tried. I'm excited to see where December and January head. 

Also, here a cool site I found with awesome maps of mountains. http://3dskimaps.com/

04 December 2010

Emailing Photos w/ iPod

I wish I could send multiple photos in an email with my iPod. I can't, I can only sent one at a time. It's kinda lame. Here is a playlist I listened to during my run this morning. It's a great December playlist. I think it would be great if Winamp could be used as a player on my mobile device. Apple would never allow this though.

Weak Sauce

I went for a run this morning and I decided to keep track of the
stats, weak sauce as the may be. I ran from Truman and Marble(?) to
Truman and Stanford(?). I'm not sure of the streets, I'd have to get a
map in my hands. I wish there was an offline version of a map I could
download for my iPod. There probably is. It took me 15:18 to run that
far, whatever the distance. I did pass a runner on the way, I was
pretty proud of myself. I noticed a few things on my run-- crows are
pretty majestic creatures. I think crows are birds are too often
dismissed as pest birds. They are quite beautiful. I also noticed that
I love looking at the Sandia Mountains. They are some of the most
beautiful mountains in my opinion. So yeah, that's that. A 15 minute
run. Maybe I'll take a go at a 20 minute run tomorrow. The music
really makes the run, that and the scenery.

Sent from my iPod

02 December 2010

Lunch Time

The Sandias are taunting me! I do not want to be at work today. I would much rather be on top of out 10,000 ft mountain. I feel sick... The day is getting better though. I'm at home on lunch and I'm making a lunch and hanging out with Diego and Floofy. I have 9 minutes until I have to go back to work. I wish I could hang out here the rest of my day with my pets.

Sent from my iPod

A Curious Day

I'm still asleep, I haven't had my first sip of coffee yet. The coffee I made this morning was pretty weak anyway, I'm sure Lindsey could confirm that statement. Today has already started off as a...curious day. We have another employee that is leaving. The short time I've been with this company, we have fired one, and three have quit. It doesn't bother me much. What does bother me is that it's going to warm up this weekend in Albuquerque. I'm talking about the weather. Most people would look at this as a good thing. I love the cold winter mornings. I like to go running in the cold too. I like the way my lungs feel when I'm breathing in the cold air. I haven't gone for a run in a while. I hate that my life has become a routine. I am happy overall. I have a wonderful wife. I have a great family. I have a job, and so does Lindsey. I am grateful for what I have. But I want to be wise with what time I have. It's just one of those days I guess. Life is so weird! Everything is constantly changing, but I seem to be standing still. I know I'm not, but I'm restless. I want to get out of Albuquerque for a day or two. I'd like to just spend the weekend in Santa Fe, or somewhere else.