27 June 2014

I'll Shut Up Now

**There are probably writing errors in this blog post. I don't proof read my posts.**

My internet connection... What the heck ever. I've been talking on social media about this dang iPad. Who the heck cares? No one gives a shit. I think I need to just take it easy on these things. I don't know why I feel the need to write something down and share it over the internet...kinda like I'm doing now. Blogger's okay. Not a whole lot of people read this thing. I like it that way. Not like Facebook. Everyone's on Facebook. And everyone's got an opinion. Then there's the people who post pointless garbage like me.

So, I'm going to use Blogger to get what's on my mind off my chest so I can just move on. I usually talk about religion. Or struggling in life. Or my son. Or my wife. Right now I want to talk about an iPad. Yeah, it's really dumb. The last Apple product I purchased was an iPod touch in 2007 or 2008. Now I have this iPad. I didn't purchase this iPad directly. I'm taking MBA courses and my school provided it to me. I was pretty excited, and I am still excited to use this iPad. I'm a Google guy for the most part. I had an Android tablet (just sold it), my last 5 phones have been Android phones, I have a Chromebook, use Chromecast...you get the picture.

I'm a Google fan boy. Not like Derek Ross from Phandroid...that guy's a real fan boy. But, I enjoy Google products. I think Android has it's flaws, but it works really great. Apple definitely set the trend with the iPad and the iPhone, but I think Android perfected the phone...the tablet, I still think iOS has the edge.

So, I've had this iPad for a full 24 hours. I like it a lot. Siri is cool. I like Google Now a bit better. I like the hot word "okay, Google". It reminds me of the Star Ship Enterprise. Siri, you have to hold down the home button for a few minutes to get it to listen. I also feel that Google Now gives me more relevant information. Try asking Google something totally weird and give it enough information and it will probably guess the right thing. I'll ask Google Now something now and I'll post the screen shot...

Pretty cool, right? Google even corrected the word "gangsta". I was talking about Office Space. 

Now, I'll ask Siri...

Fail, Siri. Fail. 

There have been a few other complaints. Which is dumb. Why should I be complaining? I got a free iPad. I'm just an idiot American who complains about dumb crap. I complain about mobile operating systems. Good guy, Zo. Good guy. Get a life. lol. I'll go on... You can't select a default browser. You could set a default browser on Windows '95, but you can't on a 2014 iPad. You can't hide the crap apps you probably won't be using, like Safari. But, I might be using Safari a lot more now because it's annoying to use Chrome for most things, but if I click on a link in an email or anywhere else it opens in Safari. So, to keep things consistent, I'll probably just use Safari. There are probably some other things I'll complain about. Maybe I should just be happy that I'm healthy...that would be good.

I am happy about a couple of features of this damn iPad. The build quality is unmatched. It's a sexy-ass piece of technology. So much so that Lindsey thought I was getting aroused and just about left the room to give me and the iPad a moment. We didn't need a moment. But, I was slightly aroused. I'll move on... It has a great battery life. I've been using it nonstop with Bluetooth on for the past 24 hours and the battery is now just at 14%. And the Bluetooth is great too. It has no problem at all connecting to my Jambox. In fact, when it's connected, it shows the battery life of the Jambox, too. Something my Android or Chomebook doesn't do. Not crazy important, but cool. 

I'm happy with this. It's free and really it's supposed to be used for my text books. That's about all I have to say about this think. You'll probably never another peep out of me about it. I'll probably talk about technology again. That's inevitable. 

I've realized something else today. Well, not just today. But, I was reminded that social media is bullshit. Pure 100% bullshit. I'm sucked in, and I don't know why. I'll probably use Blogger and G+ more, mostly because I get my social media thoughts of my mind and I don't have to worry about anyone reading my post. 

15 June 2014


I had a dream I hung out with Matt Hoopes from Relient K. He has a really expensive banjo and he was letting me play it. I think we were in Nashville.

13 June 2014

Social Fricken Media

Here I am again, writing on this small phone screen. I won't write too much. I'm tired and I need rest for tomorrow. I'm just bothered right now by my thoughts. I've seriously been thinking about Christianity. I'm a Christian, but I'm questioning a lot about how Christians think.

I read this article from Answers in Genesis. I'm blown away. I'm not a smart person, but I have common sense. I'm sorry, but these people make Christians look like closed minded fools. I believe what the Bible says, but I have some questions. I believe that any idea should stand up to questioning, including the Bible.

So, back to common sense. I believe that God loves and created me, and I feel that he's given us a brain to think through things. Science and discovery are wonderful things. God's made us curious. We are want to know more about our surroundings. And we've made a ton of discoveries as a human race.

One thing we've done is calculate how fast light travels. We know how far light will travel in one year. These people at Answers in Genesis are Young Earth Creationists. They believe the Earth is 6,000 years old...seriously. Elementary science teaches us that the closest galaxies to Earth are MILLIONS of light years away.

Man! The vastness of the Universe doesn't disprove God. The Universe can be billions and of years old. I mean, it is billions of years old. God is still God. He's outside of time. We've been made in his image. Curious. Discover. Search. Question your faith! If it's true, it'll withstand your most brutal tests.

07 June 2014

Eye Boogers and Other Stuff

I've had these dang eye boogers in my left eye all day. I have no idea what causes them, but it's freaking annoying. I've washed my face. Examined my eye ball in the mirror and removed all the eye boogers I could find. They keep coming back... all day. So, there's that.

I talk a lot about my concerns in this blog. Life's brought me to a turning point again. I was convinced for a while that I wanted to be a teacher. I thought I wanted to teach high school science, or high school history. My degree is economics. Social studies would be my subject if I decided to go that route. I've encountered some road blocks, however. Road blocks shouldn't stop my desires.

Anyway, I've picked my path. I'm a late bloomer, I know. I'm 31 and I'm considering what career path to take. Pathetic. It's been frustrating for me. It's been really hard for me to even get an interview since I graduated in 2009. In college I kinda fished around for something to study. It took me a while. I found it though. Economics fascinated me, I enjoyed studying economics. I read about career paths and jobs available. Econ majors shouldn't have a terrible time finding a job. I sure have! I'm doing something wrong.

So, I've been discouraged. Teaching seemed like something I could sink my teeth into. Something I could be sure of. I've just been tired of not having an identity. A person's career choice is a big part of their identity. I'm a tech support agent in a call center. Troubleshooting internet connections, smart phones and other telecommunications. I guess if I searched I could find how my degree prepared me for this job... It's not what I pictured, and I don't feel like it's a career. There are some career paths I could take within the company... Anyway, I think I'll stop talking about this. It's just something on my mind. The decision I've made is that I'm going to continue my MBA. I've started it. My employer is paying for the classes. I've got great grades, and I don't like to start things and not finish them. I'll be a master of something soon. Think I'll press on.

Other changes I'm thinking about involve the church we currently attend. We're thinking about looking for another church. There's nothing really wrong with the church we go to. Crestview Baptist Church is small church in the International District (aka the "war zone") in Albuquerque. The church has been in existence since the 1940s. It's a good church. There are good people who attend the church. Lindsey and I were talking about needing more. We would love to have some friends who we could relate to.

So these are the things on my mind right now.

I'm also thinking about the garden we planted. I don't know if it's too late in the season, but we planted. Here's a photo of what we've got.

It's just some watermelon, zucchini and squash. All high sun exposure plants. I think they should do alright in this tiny plot. The other little plot I planted is doing really well. I planted peas, tomatoes, carrots and some other type of herb I can't remember right now. My challenge with that plot is trying to determine what's a weed and what's a vegetable. Now that the plants are maturing it's getting a little easier.

So, my career, my church, my garden...these are all things on my mind right now. Oh yeah, and the eye boogers. I hope these dang eye boogers go away tomorrow. I think after I wright this blog post I'll probably look up what causes them.

03 June 2014

Just Because

I just killed a black widow. Little bitch had it coming. I hate those dang spiders. I felt a little sick when I saw it.

Whatever. My work week's over. I'm glad. Weeks bring too much. I'm tired of thinking about it. Now I'm home. I'm typing words on my dang Chromebook. Listening to Augustana. Love this album.

We just finished that movie Mr. Nobody with Jared Leto. It was one of those thinking movies. Choices verses destiny and time and junk. I thought it was interesting. I especially liked when they went into artificial hibernation and traveled to Mars. That was neat.

Now I've got some days off work to enjoy.

What'll I do? Well, I've been thinking about socialism. Yeah. Politics. I hate them. I should care more, but I just see the crazies posting crazy things on Facebook. I've been back on Facebook for the past few months. I'm kinda regretting getting back on. I'm attracted to it like moth to flame. I overpost and scroll though people's posts wasting time. I'm not even going waste time thinking about it now.

What else...

Not a lot. I'm just writing because. Just because.