31 May 2013

Evening Walk

Watch "Evening Walk" on YouTube

Rest and Rejuvenation

We're going camping this weekend. Well sort of... we'll be in a cabin. I'm just excited to get out of town for a while. I've been feeling really stuck lately. Scheduling at work has been weird. I want more time with Lindsey and Luke. I need a vacation more than anything. We're going to have a vacation but I'm a little worried about it. We'll be driving to Atlanta soon and possibly Orlando and Disney World. I'm worried because I've never driven that far...much less with Luke. Luke has a difficult time being in the car when we drive to Santa Fe from Albuquerque.  So, I'm afraid we're going to have a miserable time. I want this to be an adventure.  I want to make memories with the two most important people in the world to me. I'm still optimistic. I think the trip will be okay, but it's one thing I'm worried about.

I've been worrying a lot lately.  I'm worried about house work. Being a home owner is awesome and I feel blessed. It's hard work though.  I just fixed our dishwasher that decided to crap out suddenly.  It was a simple fix, it still added steess to me. I'm worried about our lawn.  Sounds dumb but it's hard to grow grass in Albuquerque.  Water is expensive and we're in the middle of the worst drought in history. I feel bad warering my lawn and all the warer I put on the lawn is just evaporated the next day. The story of my life these days. I need rain in my life. Real rain for my lawn. But I need rain in my life. I need rejuvenation.  I need rest. I need to grow. I'm in a desert.  I need time to raise my son. I need time to take my beautiful wife out. Just take me to the mountains and let me breath in that cool air.

12 May 2013

A Challenging Week

It's the beginning of the week. This week will bring challenges. Luke will wake up in the middle of the night sometime this week. I won't have much time with Lindsey this week. I'll have to work this week. School work will have to be done this week. So, this week will be challenging. That's not so bad, though.

I'm happy to be challenged. It feels good to know that you've accomplished something during the week. This week I plan on going to work. I'll do my best. I plan on spending time with Luke. That'll be fun.

So, even though I'm not thrilled the weekend is over and my week is beginning, I'm still happy to be challenged.  Besides, my weekend isn't over. It's Sunday night and I still have a movie to watch with Lindsey.

There's other stuff on my mind... I can't think of it now.

Oh yeah! I wanted to talk about a great blog I read today. Here's the link. There was some really insightful words written in this blog.

Other things...
The inlaws came over for dinner tonight.  It was great talking to them about their trip to Hawaii.  I'd love to go sometime. I just love to spend time with other people and converse about life.

I think this is all I want to write right now. I think I'll watch some videos about the HTC One right now. That's all.


10 May 2013

I think Our Tree is Dead

This blog is becoming more of a journal for me. Well, not completely. There are certain things I wouldn't say on this blog that I would say in a journal.

I am a bit sad about our tree in the front yard. I just noticed today that all of our trees have leaves on its branches except this one. It's really sad that this one does not have leaves because it's a fairly tall and established tree. I really hope that it's just sick and I can bring it back somehow. I did look up how to find out if a tree is dead. I guess you can do a scrape test on the bark of the tree. If there is green under the bark then the tree is alive. If it's just brown dry bark, then it's probably dead.

I did a scrape test on one side of the tree and it's brown, but on the other side there's remnants of green. Not to mention that a couple of the small branches don't snap off as easy as others. I think there's a little life left in this puppy. It would really suck if I had to chop it down. Here's the website I read about the scrape test on. http://tinaramsey.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-can-you-tell-if-tree-or-shrub-is.html

The other challenge I have is identifying this other large tree we have. It's little baby seedlings are popping up all over the place. I have a feeling it's a pest tree. But I want to find out. I was using this website to determine what type of tree it is. The result was Kentucky coffee tree, but I don't think that's right.

Well, lunch is almost ready for me and Luke is waking up from his short nap. I think I was going to right about more things, like how I wish it would rain and stuff. But maybe that'll be a topic for next time.

09 May 2013

A Post About Loneliness and How it Disappeared and Mike Herrera Podcast

It's Thursday! Oh man, this week... I thought it was going by slowly, but now it's Thursday. I woke up this morning and I didn't feel very good. I kinda miss the good ol' days when I could sleep in and feel rested when I wake up.
I take that back. I felt rested when I woke up, but I also woke up alone. I get to wake up to my son crying now. That sounds bad, but it's really not, because when I walk into his room, that little boy sees me and his crying turns into a panicked  laugh and he's eager for me to pick him up. I then pick up that little boy and tell him "good morning" and give him a big kiss. He is mine and Lindsey's joy. So we don't get sleep anymore. That's a easy trade-off. For me it was sleep or a family. I chose family every time. Lindsey is my world, my love, she is what I was waiting for when I was waking up alone in my studio apartment on High Street. She is what satisfied my empty feeling. Now we have each other and I'm not alone anymore.

Sleep. Who needs it?

Luke and I just went for a walk. I pulled off a leaf from an oak tree (I think it's an oak tree). I'm going to save this leaf. I'm sentimental like that. I save leafs from periods of time that are important to me. I know that these walks with Luke will always be important to me. I'll place this leaf in a book and I'll probably forget about it, but hopefully one day I'll open that book and I'll see this leaf and remember taking walks with Luke in the park.

Anyway, other stuff is going on, but I really don't know if I have the energy to talk about them. Plus, Luke needs a diaper change and he needs to nap. So I'll probably do that now. After he naps I may listen to the Mike Herrera Podcast. What a change this guy has gone though. I mean I guess. I don't know him so I don't know if he's changed at all. I have loved MxPx music for a really long time. I studied his lyrics in songs, so I thought I had a good idea of who Mike Herrera was, but he's completely different from what I thought. Here's the link to his Tumblr page where you can listen to his podcasts. -------> Mike Herrera Podcast . I love talk radio and his show if very interesting.

Last note. I promise I'm done. I'm listening to Valencia's new (to me) album Dancing With a Ghost. AMAZING! I'm buying this puppy. I suggest you at least give it a listen on Spotify, YouTube, or whatever.


07 May 2013


My gosh, it's been a busy week. And it's only Tuesday! I feel like the work week is dragging and the weekends just fly by. I need to figure out a way to enjoy my week more instead of just working though it. I think that's probably something that many American's struggle with.

I think this upcoming weekend should be nice, though. We're picking up Lindsey's parents from the airport. They enjoyed a long, nearly two-week vacation in Hawai'i. I'm jealous! I would love to vacation on the beach, enjoying the beautiful weather. By "beautiful weather" I mean warm and raining, or even cool and raining. I love the rain. I love New Mexico too, which is funny because it feels like it hasn't rained here in years. We really are in record drought. Anyway, this weekend...

After picking up the in-laws I want to get some yard work done. We have grass (sort of) and I want to maintain the grass. I would like to buy some seed and get our lawn in awesome shape. Here's a picture of our grass now.

I hope to get this grass in top-top shape. But again, we're in a drought and it sucks. I feel bad for watering so much. This is funny to me, too, in Missouri we had grass and we didn't even have to ask for it, or work for it. It just grew. This occurrence is something I'm only familiar to in the New Mexican mountains. In the city, grass just doesn't grow, in the Sandia Mountains--sure, but not here. In Missouri, grass just grew. Xeriscaping in Missouri? No need for that and I'm sure they have no idea what the heck it is there. 

Either way, Albuquerque is supposed to get around 10-13 inches of rain a year and I doubt if we've even had a half inch of rain this year. The forecast is saying there's a small percentage of rain for this week. I hope it does. I need to drive in the rain. I need to smell the air after it rains. We need rain. I need rain. 

Those are all my rants for now. I've been thinking about many other things. I imagine I'll be writing more soon.

(I listened to Social Distortion while writing this blog post.)