Applying for more jobs! I'll catch a fish-job as long as I'm out here fishing. Huh? I'm comparing fishing with job-searching. I've always loved fishing. I've only caught one or two fish in my life though. I really don't like killing fish anyway. I like eating fish other people kill. I especially love sushi. I have a few hooks out in the water right now. I'm applying for a few jobs in a few places. I'm applying for jobs in Portland, Denver, and Panama. Right, Panama. I've never been there, but if someone bites then I'd be down to check it out. I'm down for whatever. Soon I want to also apply for jobs in San Diego and Los Angeles. There are so many jobs out there, and I know so many people are applying for them. But I want a job bad. I don't want my years in school to be wasted. I know I'll find a job somewhere.
-San Diego
-Los Angeles
In those areas there are millions of jobs, I need to keep looking. Missouri is super sweet, but I'm tired to joking around. I want to be able to pay my rent. I also don't want to live in the middle of the country anymore. I already did that in High School. The city is where I feel the most at home. I like the option of seeing live music and going to a coffee shop. Speaking of live shows, Tumbledown is coming to The Launchpad in April. Dang, I sent them so many e-mails about the Launchpad and I can't even go. Shucks!!! Oh well.
Spring is here in Missouri! I'm so excited winter seems to have gone for good. Today it was a moderate 73 degrees Fahrenheit in Columbia. That's hot enough to encourage droves of college students to come into my Starbucks and order Frappuccinos and iced teas. It is tough getting into the summer groove when your used to steaming milk and pulling shots. But we got our groove back, just like that dancing girl in the movie. We rocked a crazy non-stop rush. I think I splashed enough Frappucino mix on myself for the day too. I'm wearing an extra caramel, caramel Frappucino in my hair right now. It's pretty rad. But with the difficult drinks comes the warm weather, so I'm happy. This winter was really long! My parents think so too, they recieved a few feet in the last few weeks at their casa as well. We've only had cold temperatures here. In fact, Santa Fe's forecast looks chilly still for the next week. They are still forecasted lows in the mid 20's. Bummer. We have lows in the 40's and highs in the 60's and even 70's. Oh spring! It's nice. I just can do without the tornadoes.
1 comment:
Hey, you should look for jobs in Ann Arbor. That's where I'm looking for jobs right now (don't tell anyone, it's a secret!)
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