19 January 2014

Here I Am

Here I am. At home. On a Sunday. Doing what Americans do. I kinda hate my attitude lately. I'm sick and tired of being part of America. It's nothing against Americans. I'm American. I just don't like how things happen here. I feel like things are backwards. We're focused on the wrong types of things. Life is about surviving, it always has been. Humans, and all animals do their best to survive... So, I guess I don't blame us for just doing our best to survive. What's life about, though? It's not about technology, or vacations, or the next high. That's what we chase in America, though. It's apparent watching this AFC Championship game. Commercials sell us what we want. That Apple commercial really freaked me out. 

Here's the commercial. I think Apple is telling me that there is all this excitement out there. Being human is experiencing all these different things, and an iPad will enhance that experience. I love to document my experiences, but I think that sometimes it's good not to document, too. It takes away from the experience when all I'm doing is looking at a 4 inch screen... I want to be in the moment. 

This brings me back to surviving. I'm surviving. I eat (too much). I'm living. I wouldn't say I'm living to the fullest though. I think a lot of Americans can relate to me. I want more. Albuquerque is a great place, but I want to see more. I want to breathe the air in different places. I want to see the sun set over the ocean. I'm tied down to my American life. I would give up the internet in a second. 

I'm not ungrateful for what I have. I have everything I need. I have my health. I have a job. I love my wife and I love my son. Things need to change here though. I'm not sure they will. I can see the future. Our obsession with technology is only going to get worse. Our time with other humans is going to decrease and the separation of opinions and ideas are only going to widen. Christians hate gay people. Gay people hate Duck Dynasty. Some women want the right to choose to abort a pregnancy. Some women believe it to be murder. I'm generalizing. And I'm sure not all Christians hate gay people and I'm sure all gay people don't hate Duck Dynasty. But it appears that our country is so divided. 

Well, at least we can all agree that we need more stuff. We need more data. We need more mega pixels. We need more beer. We need more Vegas, more Los Angeles. We need more porn. More meaningless sex. We're not nice to each other. We get in our powerful cars and speed down the road texting our status update. Everyone needs to know what we're doing. I wish we loved more. 

We claim to follow Jesus. We claim to be a "Christian Nation". That makes me laugh uncomfortably. Christian Nation? When I read about Jesus, then I read the news I would say we're the anti-christ nation. Bickering on Facebook. 

I'm just complaining. I need to listen to some music. I need time with my wife. I need time with my friends. Complaining won't get me anywhere. 

18 January 2014

Barack Obama Is a Muslim...I Saw His Ring

I'm ready for tonight's message on submission at Calvary ABQ. I have a lot of negative things to day about everything, including Calvary. I want to start speaking positively, though. I've never had any issue with President Barack Obama, maybe that's un-christian of me, but I really like this portion of 1 Peter 2:

"13 Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution,[b] whether it be to the emperor[c] as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants[d] of God. 17 Honour everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the emperor."

We're to "honour the emperor", or President in our case. I think it's funny how all these Christians talk badly about the President and his wife. We shouldn't talk badly about anybody really--doesn't mean you have to agree with him, but you have to "honour" him. What does that mean? I'm excited to learn more tonight.

12 January 2014

US Pat No 7536802

What an interesting day. I should have been working, but I decided to stay home today. I feel like I'm at a turning point in my life. I'm a man. (lol) I am, though. I think my generation became men late. Maybe I'm just becoming a man late. I'm not under my parent's roof anymore. In fact, I moved out of their house when I was 18. I did what I was supposed to. I went to college. I got my degree. My sin hindered me along the way. I drank too much. I was a straight up alcoholic, to be honest. That's an excuse. I should have "manned" up. I didn't. I didn't pay attention. I graduated into an economy that was horrible. That's an excuse, too. I thought it was supposed to be that you get a degree then you go into the workforce at an entry level position, then start building up experience and work hard and further your career. Instead, I graduated college and quit my job at Pizza Hut to get a job at Starbucks. Maybe I'm being a bit too personal?


I think I post too often to social media. I'm an over poster. And here I am posting again. I like posting on this blog because it doesn't have exposure like Facebook does. (I'll probably link this on Facebook). I don't know if people read my posts. Very rarely will people respond to what I say.  I like social media for some reasons but hate it for others. I like documenting things. I want my son to know what was on my mind when he gets older. I don't want to hold back.

Anyway, I think I'm done. I'll leave this blog post with a few interesting things. Lindsey found this weird plastic thing in our junk drawer. She asked me what it was. Of course, I had no idea. So, I looked up the patent number. Turns out it was a tile spacer. Here's the link to website that explained what the item was. http://patents.com/us-7536802.html.

The other interesting thing is a definition I looked up. We were singing a hymn at church today. I don't remember what hymn it was but it was about being redeemed. I thought I would look it up. I liked this definition I found on Google.
I have always been Jesus's. My sin separated me from Him. He bought me back and regained possession of me by exchanging payment (Himself). Christianity sounds crazy when you read it out loud. I don't think it's crazy though. I think it's hard to believe sometimes. I see Christians who are in love with Jesus. You can tell. They have joy. I can see it. I want that. I want a faith that grows.

06 January 2014


I feel old. I feel useless. Dang, maybe I just feel all stressed out? I think I should have some sort of purpose right now. I'll find it soon. Right? Maybe my purpose is for my son and for Lindsey. I want to make the most of life with my family. I feel like I'm working and working and working and it's getting me nowhere. Masters degree? I'm working on that too. But will that make me feel better about myself? Or am I just spinning my wheels? These wheels need some snow chains or something. Wish I could travel.

01 January 2014


Happy New Year's Day! I'm trying my hardest to be optimistic for this year. Life can bring its challenges. 2013 definitely brought the Dominguez family some good challenges. We've overcome those challenges, by the grace of God. I feel like we ourselves could have been overcome by life, perhaps we were overcome for a moment. But, we get back up. We find strength in each other. We find strength in Jesus.

I guess now's a good time to give a disclaimer. I love Jesus. Weird, huh? People who have known me for a long time don't know anything about my spiritual life. Maybe they don't want to hear about it, maybe they do. Either way, this blog may be a way to express my love for Jesus. Also, while I'm disclaiming, I guess I should say that this blog is an open book where my emotions pour out. If you've read any of these posts then you probably already know that.

So...2014. What will it bring? Some pain. Some joy. Some sadness. Some growth. Hopefully a lot of growth.

I'll admit, I've been a Christian for a while (most my life), and when I hear people say they're "in love" with Jesus, it weirds me out. So I'm weirding you out now? Good. I've been thinking about Earth, I've been thinking about the Sun. I've been thinking about our Solar System. I've been thinking about the Milky Way, other galaxies and the Universe. We're so small. Christ came and taught about love. Christ showed me love. So, I'll stop being bashful about my beliefs. There's no reason to. No one else in the world is bashful about their beliefs. Why should I?