26 May 2011

25,000 Foot Peak

Lunch time for me, but I'm not thinking about food. I'm thinking about
mountains. I was just in Colorado this past weekend and they are
obsessed with their 14,000 ft. peaks, or "fourteeners" as they are
called. A bit of envy was starting to collect in me. I was wondering
why New Mexico didn't have any fourteeners. It turns out that at one
time New Mexico did have a fourteener or two. Culebra Peak was on a
Spanish land grant and was included in New Mexico. Then the US
Government came along and seized the land. I really want to read more
into this subject of land grants and what the country was like back
then. I've even heard that the survey for the state line of Colorado
and New Mexico is a bit off. I remember recently that they found that
the marker for the Four Corners was off quite a bit too. I don't know
how this was resolved, but pretty interesting though. So, I know it's
dumb, and I do love Colorado. It's one of the most beautiful states in
the Union, even though it's overcrowded with rich Texans,
Californians, and New Yorkers. But I don't even think Coloradoans even
like the southern part of their state anyway. I think the US
Government should give us Culebra Peak along with Durango, Pagosa
Springs and Wolf Creek. Colorado won't miss it.

Also, at one time it looks like New Mexico might have had the highest
point in the continental US. Mt. Taylor is a volcano and before a
major eruption like the eruption of Mt. St. Helens it could have been
anywhere from 18,000 ft above sea level to 25,000 ft above sea level.
Crazy! Could you imagine looking west on top of Sandia Peak and seeing
a 25,000 ft peak instead of the current 11,000 ft peak? I wonder how
that would have changed the climate of Albuquerque. Hmmm... If only I
could be transported in time to see what the landscape of New Mexico
was pre-Mt. Taylor eruption.

I don't know why I care about these things... Here are some cool links anyway.



Mmmm... Now time for food.

25 May 2011

Free Laugh

I was just decompressing here at work... Numbers, numbers, numbers,
floating around. Sometimes I like to take a real quick peak at the
"free" stuff on Craigslist.org just to have a laugh. This is
hilarious! Enjoy. Alright, back to work... :D

16 May 2011


Sent from my miniature computer.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lorenzo" <lorenzo@necessitycmc.com>
Date: May 16, 2011 10:49:22 MDT
To: <lorenzodominguez@gmail.com>

08 May 2011

Old Route 66

It's been a great Sunday. Today is Mum's Day. I love my mum. I love my wifes mum. Mum is how the British say mom. Okay...  Well, it was great to spend time with family today. It was great going to church and playing my guitar. I'm starting to get a bit more adventurous on my playing. We then drove out to Moriarty, even that was relaxing to me. I just love spending time with Lindsey.

On Friday, we went to Hasting's and we were looking these books on how Albuquerque and New Mexico was in the early 20th century, I wish I could remember the names of the books. There were pictures of different motels along route 66. A few were named in Moriarty that are still there and operational. There were also a few named in Albuquerque, one of which president John F. Kennedy stayed at. After the motels hay days in the 1960's, it then made a turn for the worst and became a motel frequented by prostitutes and their clients. So it was knocked down and replaced by the Four Hills Shopping Center. What does this have to do with our drive out to Moriarty? Well there were photos of Route 66 going through Tijeras Canyon before Interstate 40 was built. It looks almost the same, except for a few hills missing. I guess entire hills were destroyed to make way for I-40. There was also a rock on Route 66 that people would paint advertisements on. This historical rock is still in somewhere along the way. It was also bulldozed off to the side to make way for the new roadway. I would love to find this rock with advertisements on it.

I've run into a writing road-block. I can't remember what I was going to say... Oh yeah! I found a new app called "Topo Maps". That is all. Happy Mum's day to all the mums out there!

Cool Web-Page

p.s. After looking for images to put on the blog post, I think I'm going to start collecting antique post cards. There's a really awesome antique shop by our house where I would like to start. 

04 May 2011



I want!

Tetanus, Goals, Money

Good morning! This darn tetanus shot pain in my arm. I guess the pain
could be much worse... The weather outside is so nice. The temperature
is perfect. I can smell spring in the air. That's strange. My goal
today is to be extra productive. I want to get a day and a half's
worth of work done today. I want to drink two mugs of coffee. I want
to drink six 946 mL jugs of water. Lindsey and I are also quiting the
craft beers, we're just spending too much on them. Plus, for some
reason after a great IPA I get a headache. That can't be good. We're
going to start focusing on other hobbies. Yesterday Lindsey mentioned
white water rafting. I am down. I also would like to track the dollar,
the euro, the pound and the peso more. Just for fun.

03 May 2011

Beautiful Old Hymn

Downtown there is an amazing book shop we like to visit on occasion.
There is an old hymnal that I plan on purchasing. It was published in
the 1870's if I remember correctly. This song would have been brand
new in this hymnal, if it's in there. What a beautiful song.

Nothing But The Blood

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Now by this I'll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Now by this I'll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Just A Note

It's been an incredibly long day. I'm glad it's almost over. Lindsey
is making something delicious. I know it has some sort of beef in it.
We're going to watch a movie then we're just going to relax. We're
learning how to be married. Marriage is really hard, especially when
you're as selfish as I am. We're coming along just fine though. I have
no doubt that we'll still be loving each other when the arthritis, bad
sight and bad hearing sets in.

That's all for now. Time to take the trash out.

p.s. i really don't care about the death of Osama Bin Ladin. Is that weird?

p.p.s. I'm excited for great spring weather. Is that weird?