20 August 2019

Forgotten Websites

Have you ever tried to remember a website that you visited from back in the day with no luck? That's what I'm doing right now. I have a new computer with a nice screen, and I'm trying to remember the name of a website I used to download high quality desktop photos from. I can't remember... I imagine it was taken down or something. Who knows. I mean, it's probably still there, I just can't remember it.

I'm writing.

It's good.

I haven't written here in a while. (haha). I'm pretty sure I've said that in the past three or four posts. It's true, though. I don't post here. Mostly because...why? I have a couple of cool apps I use. Mostly one. It's called Journey. It's a nice app that I have on my Android device, and I'll soon download it to my Macbook.

Technology. Technology is... whatever. I don't care. I'll post more maybe.

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