29 September 2014

Albuquerque Views

Albuquerque really is a beautiful city. I'm standing on the Westside and looking across the valley at a rain cloud. It's not raining where I am, but it's breezing and it smells like rain.

I love the fact that I can stand on this end of the city and see for miles. I can see Sandia Peak, the Manzano Mountains and just about every neighborhood on the east side. The views in Albuquerque are great.

26 September 2014

Facebook Blows

Lol. I logged in to Facebook and I lasted 3 minutes. I'm off it again. I won't speak of it again.


I'm sitting in my bed, relaxing. It's nice. Usually the times in early afternoon are used to do homework. I'm a thirty-year old fool that has homework. I decided to continue to drive toward my MBA. It's though online correspondence. It's not as cool as a "real" MBA, but I think it's still worth working for.

Anyway, I had some things to write about. I'm kind of distracted right now. I'm listening to the Bad Christian Podcast right now. I had to pause it. My thoughts were all over.


Okay. So today. I'm relaxing. It feels nice to lay (lie?) down and just relax. I'm writing for fun and not for a paper on marketing strategies. My MBA classes aren't super hard, but they're time consuming. Time is something that I have the least of these days. Being a full time employee, husband and father, (and now Lindsey's preggers with our 2nd), time is precious. And man oh man, it feels good to be here relaxing. Bless my wife's heart, she's working right now, and she deserves this down time more than I do.

This weekend is starting off to be a good one. Today I went to my son's favorite spot in Albuquerque--the Rio Grande Zoo, which I guess they now call the ABQ BioPark Zoo. Luke loves this place. We checked out the polar bears, the seals, snakes, alligators, camels, giraffes, then we rode the train to the aquarium and hung out with some sea fish and sharks. It was a fun time.

Now, I'm relaxing and thinking about things. I'm thinking about politics. I'm thinking about religion. I'm thinking about science and culture. This is my time to think, when Luke is napping. My times with him during the day are times of learning. It's amazing watching him learn all these new things. What's really cool, also, is that I get to learn with him! Like this morning, I would read the info plaques to him about the animals in the exhibit, and I learn, too.

And now I'm thinking about FACEBOOK. AGAIN! Dang it, Facebook. I was in a discussion with my brother over Hangouts the other day about social media. I asked him to join Instagram so that he could see some of the pictures I post of his nephew. He protested saying that Instagram is full people's selfies and had no interest in joining. We went back and forth about Instagram and Facebook. They've both got their downsides, and it's about who you follow. I'm on Instagram, Google +, and Twitter for my own reasons. I like the photos people post on Instagram, it's mostly artistic. Google + has it's interesting things. And Twitter I go to for news and weather. What all these social media outlets don't have are my friends and family. I mean, I have some friends on Google +, but they aren't really active on the site. Instagram's the same.

The other night I made a big fuss about Facebook and how I hated it. I still do, but it's really just a way for all those people to vent. I can relate the way people act on Facebook to the way people act when they're driving in their car. People have a protective barrier between themselves and the world when they are in both things. People act likes jerks when they're in cars and say all sorts of things they would never dream of saying if they were face-to-face with that person. Facebook is the same way. We tell the truth. We probably disclose too much of our lives on our Facebook feed. That's fine. Our culture is naked in Facebook. We're all exposing our ideas and trying to work things out in our heads. So, I'm back on FACEBOOK. I'm back because even though I hate it, I know it's here to stay and I have a life that some people want to keep up to date with. Phone calls are a thing of the past. Facebook is here and this is how we communicate. I'll post photos of my son. I'll post photos of my day and what's on my mind.

Here's something that's on my mind... I was considering buying a car because the CD player broke in my car. It doesn't get more american than that! Geez! Maybe I should just camp out at an Apple store now for the next iPhone. It was dumb, I know. I love music, though. I listen to Static Radio a lot, but I also have a Google All Access subscription, so I want to be able to take advantage of that. I also want to be able to listen to my podcasts in the car as well. Buying a car wasn't the solution. I then considered buying a new car stereo. That was much more reasonable. I didn't do that either. I decided an accessory to my phone would hold the answer. I bought the Motorola Droid Roadster 2. It's Bluetooth and it has a built in FM transmitter. Perfect. And I don't have to worry about a car payment. Smart.

So, that's all for today. I was thinking about other things. But those things will have to wait in my brain until the next time I blog.

Back to my podcast.

22 September 2014

Facebook's Garbage

I can't sleep. I'm such a bullshit social mediaist. Stupid Facebook brings me back every time and I hate it. I go a couple of months without Facebook, then I get curious and log back in. It's so freaking dumb. I wast at least 10 minutes at a time when I log in, looking at people's political views, or religious views or complaints or whatever.

I'm the same. Look at me now. I'm typing a dang blog about how I hate Facebook. Anyway, I'm done. For now, I guess. I'll probably forget how I hate Facebook and then log back in, like an idiot.

Speaking of idiots. I am one. I started off my day wonderfully. I mean, my day wasn't bad overall, but I started off eating great. I had some whole grains and some dairy for breakfast. Some fruits and veggies for lunch. Then Rudy's Barbecue for dinner. Now, it's way past my bedtime, my mind is running a million miles per hour, and I can't stop farting. Freaking unhealthy food. Every meal tomorrow will be a healthy meal. If I remember, I'll post a screenshot of my Lose It app daily food intake. I've been using this app for years, but for some reason I've been getting fatter. I would say it's will power.

So, I think I've gotten all I need to get off my mind. I love you Blogger/Google +. There are some people here that might read my crap...and if you're hear you don't say anything. And if you do, it's about comics or geography, or science, or photography, or technology. I'm cool with that. I'm not cool with Facebook's garbage.

16 September 2014


If God is in fact God, then why does he have such a low self esteem? Why does He need worship to validate himself? Valid questions. Why does God need worship? I've wondered about this... Some of my questions are answered in this book I'm reading, The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis. God doesn't need worship. God doesn't need our love. God made the Universe and us because he is all Loving, and if we realize who God is, then there is no other choice but to realize that He is holy. The reaction to something that is holy is to worship.

What is holy? m-w.com says "exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness"

I'm creeping through this book... answering some of my questions. 

09 September 2014

iPhone Stole My Attention

I get sucked in. I'll admit. I don't know why. Technology fascinates me. I've always liked computers. I'm not an "expert"... I don't know how to code. I don't know networking. I mean, I do a little. Anyway, today's Apple event hooked me. I love seeing what's on the horizon with technology. I think it's dumb, though. I have a smart phone. I have a smart watch. I follow the tech bloggers on You Tube and Google +.

I think I give it too much attention.

I think there are more important things in life. I'm just surrounded by this crap all day at work. I probably say the words "iPhone" or "Android" a thousand time in one day. There's more to life. After I write this post I'm going to read about this. I'm reading The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis. I'll be honest, the writing style requires me to have m-w.com close by and some sentences I'll have to read twice. It's a slow read, but a lot of my questions in life are being addressed. I don't know what's taken me so long to pick up this book... oh wait, I know. I'm lazy and I'd rather go to a bar and drink a beer.

So, here's a quote from the book that I've heard before, but it was better reading it for myself.

"There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be, or to be the son of, or to be 'one with', the Something which is at once the awful haunter of nature and the giver of the moral law. The claim is so shocking -- a paradox, and even a horror, which we may easily be lulled into taking too lightly--that only two views of this man are possible. Either he was a raving lunatic of an unusually abominable type, or else He was, and is, precisely what He said. There is no middle way. If the records make the first hypothesis unacceptable, you must submit to the second."

Am I allowed to quote a book in my blog? I hope so. Either way, I'm enjoying digging into this book. I'll continue in chapter 2 now...

07 September 2014


I was about to hitch about how channel 4 doesn't come in on my tv. I was going to blame KOB or my antenna. Either way, all I wanted to do is watch done dang football. So, I gave up and came to my computer to blog about my complaints...I decided to search Google "live stream NBC". Found my game, and here I am still...blogging. I'll relax now. Maybe the Colts will make a comeback. Who cares?