31 August 2009


I don't know, but I think Lindsey and I want to move to Missouri. It sounds like a great place to explore. I'm sure there are bunches of misconceptions of the place. I know that some may be formed because I live in New Mexico, it's a huge misconception. Anyway, I'm excited to see what the future brings (besides floating skateboards).

30 August 2009



Dear Lorenzo Dominguez,

The University of New Mexico has posted your degree to your official academic record. You may now order copies of your official transcript that identifies you have graduated from UNM.
Each official transcript costs $5. You may request official transcripts at "http://registrar.unm.edu/trans.htm" .

Your diploma will be mailed within ten business days, unless you made arrangements to pick it up when signing up for commencement. You will receive an email notice when your diploma is ready for pick up at the Student Support
and Services Center, located at 1155 University SE.

Kathleen Sena

That's an email I just opened.

Also, here are some pictures of Floofy playing with my shoes.

29 August 2009

Iced, X, venti, 3P, SFV, S, L

It's dark in Santa Fe. Today was kind of a tough day at work... Well, relatively it wasn't bad. Relative to what other people may have to go though at their work. I don't have to do much manual labor. Well, besides cleaning the drains today. I don't have to use my brain that much. I have to remember some coffee shorthand. That isn't really hard. Except I was yelled at the other day for marking a green tea latte "GTL" when it was supposed to be marked "GRTL". "GTL" is the marking for green tea lemonade. People at Starbucks love to shout at me. I guess I'm the type of person that can take the yellings. I'm mostly silent about my grievances about the Bucks. I hate, hate, hate when I'm explaining something to a customer about tea or coffee when someone decides that I probably don't know the answer to their question and butts in and explains it them self. That bothers me. But then I stop and think for a second... My degree is in economics, not coffee. They can have their expert opinion on coffee. But still, I'm making coffee. I'm not even making coffee. I'm putting scoops of already ground coffee into a machine that heats up water and makes the coffee for me. I'm only a pawn. Working at Starbucks isn't all bad though. Some people actually want to know about me. Some people actually give me some credit for having a brain and let me explain what the tea is made up of, and how long it should be left in the hot water for before you take the tea bag out. They're cool. There are some people who actually take the time to let me know I'm doing a good job... Whatever. I want to look at statistics of weather and population and road maps all day. That sounds like fun! I'm serious. If I could tell where the weather is going to be good for coffee growing and how many farmers in the area where going to be producing and what their average incomes were for the previous year and what their expected crops were for the new season... (That sentence made no sense.) That sounds like fun. I want to life on a beach in Panama and talk to actual coffee farmers. I want to sleep next to the ocean, and I don't want someone yelling at me for marking a cup wrong. Most of the customers are cool. I think I can find a million different ways their 5 + dollars could go to that would actually benefit the world, but at least some of them can smile at me. I think I'm pretty lucky for the customers that come into my store. We have mostly tourists, so people aren't mean about their drinks, they're mostly just on vacation being leasurly. But we get tons of Europeans, and if you can get past the language barrier then they are real easy customers to satisfy. They don't want gigantic super complicated drinks like Americans. They just want espresso, with a little but of milk. The most common European drink is a short latte, or a solo espresso. Easy enough. Or a hot chocolate. They love the hot chocolates. They hate americanos and American coffee for the most part. I can't generalize all together, cause there is the occasional French group that wants venti frappucinos. It's really cool serving people from all over the world though. It's reminding me that I want to travel on a consistent basis. In a way I'm taken out of Santa Fe for a few seconds when I talk to these people. I especially like it when they dump all of their change on the counter and ask me to find the correct change. It seems like they don't know what coin is worth what... I'm certain that's what it is. I don't think they would do that at their local coffee shop. Good times though. I hope it snows soon, I can't wait til winter.

27 August 2009

More Photos

Not So Tired


I am so stinking tired! Today I had lots of fun but it was all had with a tired body and a tired brain. Last night Lindsey and I decided that we wanted to do something. First we thought about going to a movie. Then we thought about calling Joe and Erin to see if they wanted to go to Brickyard. It was really nice sitting and hanging out with some familiar people.

We then went to Burt's and watched a really good DJ... Fun times in ABQ. Then we slept at the Freeman's house and had a full day with Nana. We went to Savers and looked at books and Halloween masks. Then we had a glorious lunch at Hurricanes. A good day hanging out with Mrs. Freeman and Nana and Linds.

Now we're back at home satisfied from delicious Chopsticks take-out...

26 August 2009

Santa Fe

So I think I'm shifting blog gears. I was at a stand still for a month or so, mostly because I was trying to graduate from college and also because a friend or two told me to shut up. Well, I'm ready to tell everybody all of the meaningless thoughts that go on in my brain. Meaningless thought no. 1: MxPx rules and I love them so much. No. 2 I want to see Run Kid Run SO bad on Labor Day weekend. No. 3 I love coffee.

I'm downloading Picasa for Ubuntu right now and I'm totally excited. If you don't have Picasa, you're missing out. It's way better than any other default picture browsing program. I'm also trying to organize my hard drives right now. I have lots of duplicate songs.

Right now I feel okay. I feel like I hate work. I feel like I don't work very often, but I still don't have much free time. The free time is what I want to savor. The times after work when Lindsey and I can just chat about random junk. I think I could probably be chatting with her now... Yeah, she's on the computer too. Sometimes we need time on the computer.

Living in Santa Fe has been okay for the most part. There are some things that are awesome about living in Santa Fe. One thing is that there are fewer distractions for us. We are less likely to be focused on other things like the drama Albuquerque brings, but we are also trying to find ourselves here. We love our friends in the Burque, but it's really hard to go out there all the time, and it's really hard for them to come out here. I'm rambling...

Here are some a few pics of us in Santa Fe: ...
well, I'm still trying to figure out how to make my wireless card work on Ubuntu. They aren't uploading. The pictures are awesome though! I'll show them soon.

Yes! I have internet!

I just came back from camping the the Pecos wilderness. It was beautiful but it was cold and rainy. I'll put up some pictures soon along with some of mine and Lindsey's pictures of Taos, and Eagle Nest Lake. Fun times. I'm going to go to sleep now cause I didn't get any sleep last night.