22 August 2023

My Story

 I had this idea. I've updated this blog off and on for some time now. Mostly off in recent years. I think I want to be more consistent. Do people still read blogs? Probably not, but that's okay. I just like the physical feelings of tapping my fingers on my keyboard and the brain activity and emotional feelings I get of getting my thoughts out. Writing is fun. (especially on the keyboard of this 2016 MacBook Pro I picked up on eBay.)

So, my thought. My thought was to share some of my story. My story seems to be something that I only know. Sure there are some people that know bits and pieces of "my story". But for the most part I keep to myself. ... wait, is that true? ... I have a podcast or three. I write in this blog. I tweet and thread and insta and facebook. Maybe that's false. Anyway, there are some things I keep to myself, and there's other things -------- I'm getting into the weeds. 

I want to tell a story. I don't know who's going to read it. I kind of don't care if anyone reads it. That's been my philosophy with this blog since the start. 

So, here we go. 

I think I want to just get my memories down in writing. I'll start with childhood, but maybe I'll jump around in time. And maybe that memory will get me off on a tangent and I can share my opinion on something. Sound okay? Okay. Glad it sounds good to you. 

And because apparently I'm obsessed with weather data, here's a link I found with weather data in the city I was born in and in the year I was born. 


And here's a website that has aerial photos of Santa Fe. I might be in some of these photos. 


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