24 October 2011
Running, Apps, Transitions
I did, however, get a really cool app called Lose It! for my iPod touch. This app allows me to record all of the calories that I consume each day (and exercise) and it will graph out my net calories in the day. I have a budget of x amount of calories. If I go over, the graph will turn red, and if I stay under it will remain green. I can also enter in a goal weight and when I enter my daily weight it is then placed on another graph. It's really neat, and because I love recording data and looking at graphs I was keeping track every day and I was seeing results. I think I lost up to 14lbs. Pretty good, I thought. Then I went to Denver for a week and forgot about my cool tool. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I can download the same app on my Android phone and it records all the data in the same spot. If I record that I ate something using my iPod it will also show this recorded on my Android and vise versa. And on my Android app there's an option of scanning the barcode on a package so that you don't have to manually search for it. So all of this was pretty awesome, especially because I was loosing weight. Then I started to gain the weight back. Life was too busy and I love food a lot. Now I have all the time in the world. You can say that I'm at a point of "transition" in life. I have lots of time on my hands, so I thought I would begin using these cool apps to help me stay healthy. This time I am going to use both apps. Runkeeper helps me graph my distances, times, heart rate, type of exercise and Loose It! helps me keep track of my net calories for the day as well as my daily weight.
Running is so therapeutic for me too... It helps me keep my mental sanity in a big way. I throw on my favorite bands and just run and enjoy the scenery. The scenery, by the way, is amazing where I am. I don't see or notice the mountains very much, but I do get to see our tallest buildings every day. Our buildings aren't very tall in Albuquerque, but they are still neat. I love running downtown. Plus traffic really isn't bad at all so I don't have to worry as much about getting run over (knock on wood). If you want to see some of the pictures I'm taking while on my little walks downtown check out my Google + page. I'm using + more than Facebook now. I don't even write this blog on Facebook, I just have it set so that when I write this Blogger blog it is then posted on Facebook. I think if I didn't do that then nobody would read it. I'm probably a bit too honest on this blog too. I need to start thinking about who can see this. There's just a lot on my mind and my first vent would be Lindsey, but then I like to write it down. This blog is especially cool because I know that my son will someday be able to check this out and see exactly what I was thinking on this day. Yes, I said we're having a son. You can read all about our upcoming baby on our baby blog http://newmexicobaby.blogspot.com.
20 October 2011
FW: Dinosaur Costume
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05 October 2011
Love, Sandias, More Questions
It's wednesday morning and I'm not at work. It feels good to just relax and enjoy the damp, cool air. We're not used to this weather but it's well welcomed. Right now I'm in Starbucks sitting by myself. Lindsey is here with her mom and a few other ladies from the church. They're supposed to be having a Bible study but it just sounds like normal chatting.
I'r really trying to live life as best I can right now... It seems like it's a too common topic I write about. It's always on my mind though. I guess you can say it's my religion, or you can say that it's just because I'm human. All humans, I think, want to live a fullfilling life. There are so many things I'll never understand... Like how complex we humans are. I mean it seems on the surface that we aren't. But we really are! There are so many mechanisms in our brain that even the smartest doctors don't understand yet. Well how would I know that? I guess I don't know what the smartest doctors know or don't know. It seems like a fair assumption though. Some give credit to a Creator, they're just blinded by belief though. Others give credit to a complex evolutionary process. And unless you live in Alabama you are looked at as a weak minded person for thinking something other than what many important scientists have found. But with every new discovery even more mystery is found. I was watching a documentary on the plannets yesterday. Scientists were amazed to find that life on Earth began shortly after the Earth itself began to exist. What about the speed of light? We were certain that there were limits. I'm not going to try to begin to pretend that I know what I'm talking about. I want to always learn. That's why-God, or evolution-gave me this brain. The idea of God is a romantic idea... I see the Sandia Mountains and I ask, "did God make those for me?" They sure are gorgeous mountains! Oh and when I am in nature, all of my senses are alive! Maybe our speces evolved to love such places because there are more resources there to survive? But maybe there's a Creator who loves me? I don't have all the answers. I wish I had just a few. What matters to me is love. Christ had the right idea... Love. Love! We all need it. We need it more than we need food or water.
Another spelling dusclaimer...learning this Android, don't know how to run a spell check.