Google + is gone. My blog (this blog) has been kinda forgotten about by me. It's a cool time capsule for me, but I very rarely write here anymore. I did notice, however that I have no posts for 2019. I have been busy expressing my thoughts in mind and Lindsey's podcast, Parenting vs. Podcast... And that's been fun. Sometimes, I need to write my thoughts down. And, I haven't stopped doing that. I write almost every week, it's just in my personal journal--I have two of them--a physical one, and an online one.
I like to write. I like to reflect. I like to ponder.
This blog has been a discussion with myself about some silly stuff. From weather, to traveling, to religion, to just nonsense. I enjoy it. I enjoy having my little corner of the internet.
So, what's going on now? Well. I'm in my mid 30s. I've kept this blog for twelve years now. Lots has changed. My interests are the same. My focus are not. I don't focus on silly things like weather as much. I focus on my job. Striving to earn more. I focus on faith, trying to figure out what I believe and what's "right". I focus on my family...(but not like James Dobson says I should). I focus on completing my master's degree (but that goes back to me striving to earn more).
Welp. I don't know what else to put on here. I do like venting out things onto the internet, and I like this better than Facebook because it's less likely to be noticed here. I wonder if anyone will read this? Like I said, Google + is gone. How will anyone even know I wrote this? Maybe they won't, and that's okay.