30 January 2010

A Saturday In Moberly

I got my oil changed finally! I went to a local shop here in Moberly. I was pleasantly surprised. The man was supper nice and the price was totally reasonable. The oil change took about an hour, but that wasn't a problem. I just left my car and went for a nice walk down Moberly's main street. I stopped in the Goodwill and looked around. I am really happy with how things went! It's really hard for me feel comfortable doing things here. I feel like people are always looking at me and recognizing that I'm not from here. I mean, I am different looking I know this. People can't really figure out what my race is. People at work wanted to ask me, but felt weird about it. I'm not the touchy type though. I'm proud of my heritage, but I don't care if people ask me questions about it. But, anyway I know I'm not from here and my inner thoughts make me nervous that people won't like me here... But in reality I'm sure it's pretty much just like NM where I feel welcome. This man at the mechanic's shop made me feel okay thoguh. I think it was called JC's auto shop. I'm definitely going there next time I need an oil change.

So far this day is good though. I'm a little upset at how much our utilities were. Our electric/gas was $185 USD, and our water/sewage/trash was $85 USD. That is nuts! I never payed that much. But, we do have a washer and a dryer, and the building is older and not that insulated. Also, I like to take two 9 hour showers a day. And floofy is just a jerk! J/k, I love Floof. Whatever though. Our rent is still only $315 USD.

I'm really starting to like this place though. I'm checking it out. I'm like Floofy when he first met my apartment. He lived under my bed for an entire week, only creeping out to use the bathroom (in the litter box thankfully) and to drink water and eat. Then he acted like he owned the place, and he still does. I'm not going to act like I own Moberly. I'm not running for mayor. I'd probably anger a lot of people though if I did. I'd push for a maybe a bus system, or a van system. There would be a bus/van that runs from downtown to CCCB (Lindsey's school) and one that ran from downtown to MACC. And there would also be a line that ran from downtown to Wal Mart. And, I'd get the funding too. I'll find the person that keeps all of Missouri's money and I would challenge them to a game of horseshoes. I'd win because everyone knows that New Mexican's are amazing horseshoers. Then I would make this town a booming town once again. It's called the "Magic City" because it sprang up almost overnight because of the railroad. Now it'll explode again because there would be cheap transportation to downtown. Businesses would thrive. And there will be a connecting bus to a commuter train that takes you to Columbia. Maybe I'm dreaming. ...yeah I'm dreaming. But it'd be cool.

Here's a blog I typed on my typewriter. ("Typewriter is the longest word that can be typed on the top row only of a keyboard.)

From 2010-01-30

Here's a picture of some "Colorado", "Soutwestern" food! (It was made somewhere around here.)

From 2010-01-30

Some Old Granddad!

From 2010-01-30

And some more photos of my Moberly walk. Notice my strange yellow NM license plate!

From 2010-01-30

From 2010-01-30

A panorama view of a field. Exciting!

From 2010-01-30

Somewhere close to Santa Fe (the restaurant in Moberly)

From 2010-01-30

From 2010-01-30

1 comment:

honey and salt said...

I think you think people are looking at you more than they are. and even if they are, I don't think it's a race thing. It's a "you're not from 'round these parts, sonny...". We're in the midwest, when we are natural southwesterners. They can tell we're not born, bred and grown in these parts. We're also not from a small town like this. I think it's those cultural differences more than anything.