30 August 2019

Clicky Keyboards

I love the clickyness of the keyboard. The keyboard I'm typing on is on a 2019 MacBook Air. I wasn't planning on buying it, but it was $200 off at Best Buy, and my new school wasn't giving me a laptop to work with.

Yeah, I moved schools. I was at a school where everyone had laptops to a school where you have to kick and scream to get a computer. Eventually, I was checked out a computer from my school. It took a few followups with emails, personal visits to the tech room, and lots of bothering on my part.

But, after I got my laptop, it was already past the 14 day return period that Best Buy allows for returns. I'm not too sad. I like this computer. Like I said, the keyboard is clicky.

There's more to this school... I want to be honest. I wonder who subscribes to this RSS feed anymore. Maybe a couple. Who knows. Anyway. I guess I'll be honest.

I don't want to teach anymore. I liked teaching at my old school. I mean, most days I liked teaching at my old school. There were some days when I didn't like teaching at my old school. Days when I feel like the kids collaborated to see how much shit they could give me... That's not true though. Kids have off days just like adults have bad days. Either way, I enjoyed most days at my old school.

But now. Now, I don't enjoy most days. I mean, I don't hate most days either. The few weeks I've been here have been fine. I have a few complaints, but they're fine. I just don't enjoy it. And, I'm here because of my own decisions... So, there you have it.

Anyway...computers. I like this computer. It's neat. I don't play video games, so it's a good machine. Word processing, and web applications. It's basically a Chromebook. In fact, a Chromebook can do more gaming, it has the entire Play Store.

Alright. Blog post. I want to do more of it. I like to make these things. I like to share. There's an interesting feeling of release knowing that this is available online. The tech. The networks. The input. The output. Information.

20 August 2019

Forgotten Websites

Have you ever tried to remember a website that you visited from back in the day with no luck? That's what I'm doing right now. I have a new computer with a nice screen, and I'm trying to remember the name of a website I used to download high quality desktop photos from. I can't remember... I imagine it was taken down or something. Who knows. I mean, it's probably still there, I just can't remember it.

I'm writing.

It's good.

I haven't written here in a while. (haha). I'm pretty sure I've said that in the past three or four posts. It's true, though. I don't post here. Mostly because...why? I have a couple of cool apps I use. Mostly one. It's called Journey. It's a nice app that I have on my Android device, and I'll soon download it to my Macbook.

Technology. Technology is... whatever. I don't care. I'll post more maybe.